Sometimes an open door is all you need. You’re not looking for a church to tell you its own version of right and wrong. You’re not looking for a church that has all the answers, or a church that includes on the right kind of people.
You’re looking for a church where you can bring your doubts, your questions, and your fears, and find a welcoming, affirming, open community willing to share them. Within, you will find a quiet place for prayer and a nurturing community ready to help you find your voice and your vocation to the world in Christ’s name.
Come and see.
To keep up with all the The Episcopal Church in Garrett County is doing, Follow Us on Facebook, watch our Sunday Morning Livestreams on YouTube, and listen to daily Morning Prayer Podcasts on PodBean, or through Apple Podcasts.
This Sunday, all youth are welcome to our Seekers monthly meeting, where we'll be having make-your-own-pizzas at 5pm in the Parish Hall at St. Matthew's. Please join us! ... See MoreSee Less
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We invite you to enjoy a homemade chili and cornbread supper with us tonight! We will be serving meals between 5pm - 6:30pm in the parish hall. ... See MoreSee Less
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Come have supper with us! ALL ARE WELCOME HERE!
The next meal will be held on Thursday, February 20th, from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm.
We will be serving sausage & chicken jambalaya, black-eyed peas, salad, homemade rolls & butter, and king cake.
If you are unable to eat on-site, we will offer takeaway beginning at 5:30 pm.
ALSO, the Nearly New Shop will be open on the evening of February 20th from 5 pm - 6:30 pm in conjunction with Stephen's Table, so you can shop and get a delicious free meal all in one place! This week at the shop (1/22 - 1/25) all shirts/tops will be buy one get one free!
Stephen's Table community meals are held monthly at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, located at 126 E. Liberty St. in Oakland. The meals are provided on the next to the last Thursday of each month unless adjusted for a holiday. Please look for our sign near the Second St. entrance and enter the building using that entrance. The meals will be served upstairs in our Parish Hall unless otherwise noted.
We would love to host you for supper every month! As always, the meal is free of charge. ... See MoreSee Less
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Thank You and God Bless You All, for Your Hope, Love and Support! 💜
Edit: Thank you to everyone who came out tonight, and to the nearly 20 volunteers who made it possible to serve 102 meals to our neighbors! Our hearts are full!
Santa, Sparkles the Elf, and the rest of the Stephen's Table elves invite you to join us for dinner in the St. Matthew's parish hall between 5pm - 6:30pm tonight! As always, meals are free of charge.
The Nearly New Shop will also be open during this time! The entire* shop is 50% this week!
*RADA knives and items in the case are excluded from the sale. ... See MoreSee Less
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Santa will also be here with us on Thursday! 🎅 We hope you can join us for a wonderful homemade meal! ... See MoreSee Less
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Are you looking for a safe place to celebrate Christmas where you can truly come exactly as you are? We have two services on Christmas Eve just for you!
Join us at 7pm at St. Matthew's for a family service on or Midnight Mass at St. John's in Deer Park at 10:30pm.
We welcome all people to worship with us, regardless of color, gender, religious experience or lack of it, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social or economic class, or nationality. Together, we will discover new ways to be the church in Garrett County and the world. Come and see. ... See MoreSee Less
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The Episcopal Church in Garrett County | Always an Open Door
With what shall I come before God, and bow myself before God on high? God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does God require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk hu...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
We would love to have you join us at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church on Saturday, December 21st at 7PM for our Longest Night Service, a time of reflection, music, and healing prayer.
This service will also be live streamed on our YouTube channel: ... See MoreSee Less
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The Episcopal Church in Garrett County invites you to join our Christmas Services!
Dec. 22nd - 4th Sunday of Advent - 8 AM at St. Matthew's, Oakland
(also live-streamed on our YouTube channel)
Dec. 22nd- 4th Sunday of Advent - 9 AM at St. John's, Deer Park
Dec. 22nd- 4th Sunday of Advent - 10:45 AM at St. Matthew's, Oakland
(also live-streamed on our YouTube channel)
Christmas Eve Family Service - 7 PM at St. St. Matthew's, Oakland
(also live-streamed on our YouTube channel)
Christmas Eve Midnight Mass - 10:30 PM at St. John's, Deer Park
To access our live-stream on YouTube, please click: ... See MoreSee Less
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Come have supper with us! ALL ARE WELCOME HERE!
The next meal will be held on Thursday, December 19th, from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm.
We will be serving tavern ham, homemade macaroni & cheese, sweet potatoes with a homemade pecan topping, spinach, apple sauce, homemade rolls, homemade desserts, iced tea, and coffee upon request.
If you are unable to eat on-site, we will offer takeaway beginning at 5:30 pm.
ALSO, the Nearly New Shop will be open on the evening of December 19th from 5 pm - 6:30 pm in conjunction with Stephen's Table, so you can shop and get a delicious free meal all in one place! This week at the shop (12/18 - 12/21) everything* in the store is 50% off!
*The sale excludes RADA knives and items in the front case.
Stephen's Table community meals are held monthly at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, located at 126 E. Liberty St. in Oakland. The meals are provided on the next to the last Thursday of each month unless adjusted for a holiday. Please look for our sign near the Second St. entrance and enter the building using that entrance. The meals will be served upstairs in our Parish Hall unless otherwise noted.
We would love to host you for supper every month! As always, the meal is free of charge. ... See MoreSee Less
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